Brand New Rainbow Headshot by Natasha Gornik Go check her out https://www.natashagornik.com/, she's got some INCREDIBLE photographs and writing projects in the works!
Hi Everyone!
I haven't reached out in a while! I'm one of those people who don't usually "miss" people, but I MISS EVERYONE SO MUCH!
THANK YOU to everyone who donated and joined the Year in Rainbow Patreon, you REALLY HELPED me get through December, fortunately the PUI kicked in January 1st, so I'm back on track!
Anyway, I'm here to share with you what I've been up to! This newsletter is titled "Cha Cha Changes" for a reason!
Since theaters and performance venues are still shut down 10 months into this pandemic, I have not performed on a stage since March 15th 2020! I'm almost 17 years into a performance career and I am not ready to give up yet! SO, I've decided to take my turn at screen acting (hence the headshot!!) I've had some bit roles over the years, but after "Upscale Whore #1" in Boardwalk Empire I became eligible to join SAG/ AFTRA. I kept thinking "ooh, I should utilize that!!" That was 2009 and I've been a bit busy focusing on my live performance career. That's not really possible right now, so I'm using everyone's favorite new word, PIVOT! That's right, I'm taking screen acting classes, auditioning and spreading the word about my new endeavors! So if you need an actor for something and you think I'd be a good fit or have any advice, you know how to find me I would appreciate any advice!
This month ,FEBRUARY, marks the HALF WAY point of YEAR IN RAINBOW! I officially started September 1st 2020!
Below are links to SIX videos I've made all but one are free to view and CHAKRAMENTORY EPISODE 4: CONCEPTUAL CHAKRA YELLOW is only THREE DOLLARS and it not only comes with EARLY ACCESS to my videos, there are HUNDREDS of EXCLUSIVE BLOG POSTS and behind the scenes JOY! Consider supporting me on Patreon and join via www.YearinRainbow.com (my page is labeled "adult" because of some nudity so you can't directly search for me on Patreon)
CHAKRAMENTORY EPISODE 3: Chakra Makeup Meditation
This was inspired by a Mac Pro Sponsorship of some beautiful pigments. There is some nudity here, so NSFW (or if you have a child at home with you!)
Orange You Grateful for The Ocean?
I have been non-stop listening to Perfume Genius's new album " Set My Heart On Fire Immediately" and was so so SO INSPIRED by the ocean and the nature around my mom's house ( was there in ORANGE November to support her with some health stuff.) I decided to make something a bit more heartfelt rather than a Mockumentary for this month!
I was doing some stretches one day in October and thought, CHAKRACISE! I gotta make a Mockumentary about a woman who started her own exercise technique, names Shoshanna Chakra. Turns out is a REAL thing, I still haven't brought myself to watch the videos. Let me know if YOU DO! I'm mildly curious!
You probably have seen this one already, it's the FIRST OFFICIAL creation of Year in Rainbow! How fitting because it's a Mockumentary about Menstrual Slime Healing, the ROOT CHAKRA!
In August I did a two week trial/ dress rehearsal for Year in Rainbow and made a "pilot" of sorts. I was at Adrienne Truscott's and Eric Schmalenberger filmed this silly idea for me! Who knew it would turn into a series!!